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Work Request
No.: New
Date Submitted:
Status Date:
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Abair, Kj
Anderson, Jill
Aranjo Garcia, Miguel
Arias, Yazmin
Avery, Jamie
Barnes, Angelina
Barnes, Julie
Becker, Laura
Behnfeldt, Brandon
Bender, Kris
Bernal, Ellen
Bettinger, Kristi
Bialecki, Jamie
Birr, Brianne
Bollinger, Jennifer
Brighton, Matthew
Brown, Laura
Buchhop, Theresa
Buckenmeyer, Jennifer
Buckenmeyer, Tonya
Burgoon, Jayme
Burke, Jonathan
Butler, Katie
Bzovi, Morgan
Cales, Shelly
Carrisalez, Kristen
Carrizales, Megan
Chiesa, Kara
Cogan, Melissa
Cornell, Emily
Creighton, Kellie
Culler, Dannica
Currier-ford, Mary kathryn
Dadisman, Rebecca
Damman, Peggy
Daniels, Deborah
Davis, Ryan
Dunford, Janey
Durdel, Linda
Durfey-dzenis, Gail
Egan, Michelle
Eisel, Lance
Engel, Michele
Finnen, Kelly
Flory, Andrea
Foor, Jane
Ford, Doug
Ford, Jessica
Ford, Ludmilla
Ford, Meredith
Fox, Nathan
Freado, Michael
Freeman, Gabriel
Freeman, Terrie
Friess, Derek
Fuerstenau, Sarah
Garcia, Nicole
Gilbert, Jessica
Gillen, Jennifer
Gillen, Kelsey
Hallett, Cathy
Hamilton, Katie
Harter, Debra
Hasapes, Connie
Hawkins, Laura
Hays, Leland
Helminiak, Shawna
Hess, Michele
Hildreth, Rachel
Hoff, Rebecca
Hoffman, Amanda
Hoffman, Stefanie
Hogrefe, Ashley
Houser, Rylee
Jackson, Randy
Jeffers, Jeanne
Juby, Beth
Karpuszka, Zachary
Keivens, Logan
Kennedy, Samantha
Kmic, Mary
Kramer, Amy
Lintermoot, Amy
Lohman, Diane
Lutheran, Kim
March, Janet
Mattin, Dawn
Mazurowski, Jeff
Mazurowski, Jennifer
McCarley, Kyle
Meiring, Dana
Mewborn, Kim
Mignin, Kirsten
Miller, Jamie
Miracola, Marcello
Myers, Michelle
Nagel, Mark
Nofziger, Baylee
Nyquist, Wendy
Oates, Andrea
Olejniczak, Erin
Patterson, Deborah
Peckinpaugh, Becky
Peper, Kaeden
Pezzin, Phyllis
Plotts, Kylie
Price, Anita
Reckner, Justin
Ripke, Ryan
Robertson, Eric
Roe, Lindsay
Roth, Amy
Schaber, Brenda
Scherer, Tammy
Schmidt, Mary
Schmude, Lisa
Schrock, Bob
Schultz, Daniel
Schultz, Pamela
Schulze, Jessie
Sheakley, Lori Hansel
Shelt, Michelle
Shepherd, Barbie
Siler, Emma
Simon, Kerri
Smith, Chad
Smith, Peggy
Smith, Sharon
Snyder, Lisa
Soto, Tiffany
Spielvogel, Samuel
Starr, Susan
Steele, Walter
Steward, Bonnie
Stickley, Michelle
Stroud, Tiisha
Sutton, Brandi
Taft, Barbara
Tedrow, Tina
Tenney, Scott
Thomas, Arthur
Tolson, Audra
Tolson, Tammy
Tresnan-reighard, Mary
Triana, Paige
Turi, Michael
Valerius, Cathy
Vanderveer, Katrina
Vasquez debustamante, Claudia
Vent, Mallorie
Wagner, Benjamin
Waugh, Pamela
Winkler, Malorie
Wolford, Jeff
Wolford, Jennifer
Woodring, Todd
Wyse, Kelly
Young, Johanna
Zdunczyk, Ronald
Zimmerman, Kristen
First Name
Last Name
Telephone No.
Email Address
(required if email turned on below)
Work Description / Information / Comments
Equip. / Tag No.
(if applicable)
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Athletic building - fb
District Office
Elementary School
High School
Middle School
pre school
Transportation Building
Where in the Building
Please describe the location very accurately. The better the location is defined, the easier it is to address your request. Include the wing, floor, and/or room number if appropriate.
Abair, Kj
Anderson, Jill
Aranjo Garcia, Miguel
Arias, Yazmin
Avery, Jamie
Barnes, Angelina
Barnes, Julie
Becker, Laura
Behnfeldt, Brandon
Bender, Kris
Bernal, Ellen
Bettinger, Kristi
Bialecki, Jamie
Birr, Brianne
Bollinger, Jennifer
Brighton, Matthew
Brown, Laura
Buchhop, Theresa
Buckenmeyer, Jennifer
Buckenmeyer, Tonya
Burgoon, Jayme
Burke, Jonathan
Butler, Katie
Bzovi, Morgan
Cales, Shelly
Carrisalez, Kristen
Carrizales, Megan
Chiesa, Kara
Cogan, Melissa
Cornell, Emily
Creighton, Kellie
Culler, Dannica
Currier-ford, Mary kathryn
Dadisman, Rebecca
Damman, Peggy
Daniels, Deborah
Davis, Ryan
Dunford, Janey
Durdel, Linda
Durfey-dzenis, Gail
Egan, Michelle
Eisel, Lance
Engel, Michele
Finnen, Kelly
Flory, Andrea
Foor, Jane
Ford, Doug
Ford, Jessica
Ford, Ludmilla
Ford, Meredith
Fox, Nathan
Freado, Michael
Freeman, Gabriel
Freeman, Terrie
Friess, Derek
Fuerstenau, Sarah
Garcia, Nicole
Gilbert, Jessica
Gillen, Jennifer
Gillen, Kelsey
Hallett, Cathy
Hamilton, Katie
Harter, Debra
Hasapes, Connie
Hawkins, Laura
Hays, Leland
Helminiak, Shawna
Hess, Michele
Hildreth, Rachel
Hoff, Rebecca
Hoffman, Amanda
Hoffman, Stefanie
Hogrefe, Ashley
Houser, Rylee
Jackson, Randy
Jeffers, Jeanne
Juby, Beth
Karpuszka, Zachary
Keivens, Logan
Kennedy, Samantha
Kmic, Mary
Kramer, Amy
Lintermoot, Amy
Lohman, Diane
Lutheran, Kim
March, Janet
Mattin, Dawn
Mazurowski, Jeff
Mazurowski, Jennifer
McCarley, Kyle
Meiring, Dana
Mewborn, Kim
Mignin, Kirsten
Miller, Jamie
Miracola, Marcello
Myers, Michelle
Nagel, Mark
Nofziger, Baylee
Nyquist, Wendy
Oates, Andrea
Olejniczak, Erin
Patterson, Deborah
Peckinpaugh, Becky
Peper, Kaeden
Pezzin, Phyllis
Plotts, Kylie
Price, Anita
Reckner, Justin
Ripke, Ryan
Robertson, Eric
Roe, Lindsay
Roth, Amy
Schaber, Brenda
Scherer, Tammy
Schmidt, Mary
Schmude, Lisa
Schrock, Bob
Schultz, Daniel
Schultz, Pamela
Schulze, Jessie
Sheakley, Lori Hansel
Shelt, Michelle
Shepherd, Barbie
Siler, Emma
Simon, Kerri
Smith, Chad
Smith, Peggy
Smith, Sharon
Snyder, Lisa
Soto, Tiffany
Spielvogel, Samuel
Starr, Susan
Steele, Walter
Steward, Bonnie
Stickley, Michelle
Stroud, Tiisha
Sutton, Brandi
Taft, Barbara
Tedrow, Tina
Tenney, Scott
Thomas, Arthur
Tolson, Audra
Tolson, Tammy
Tresnan-reighard, Mary
Triana, Paige
Turi, Michael
Valerius, Cathy
Vanderveer, Katrina
Vasquez debustamante, Claudia
Vent, Mallorie
Wagner, Benjamin
Waugh, Pamela
Winkler, Malorie
Wolford, Jeff
Wolford, Jennifer
Woodring, Todd
Wyse, Kelly
Young, Johanna
Zdunczyk, Ronald
Zimmerman, Kristen
Account Code
Dept to which request should be sent
Facilities Management (FM)
If this issue is not covered under a central budget, enter an account code to which the work can be charged. If you would like an estimate or want to state a price limit for the work, add a comment above.
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